TTC Trying to Get Pregnant While Working Night Shift When Husband Works Night Shift

If you are trying to get pregnant while working night shift or your husband works night shift, then I get you! I remember deciding we wanted children and then realizing that my husband was working night shift, I was working day shift, and I only ovulate once a month for a few days. How would we make this happen? We were able to successful have two healthy boys, so I know it is possible. Here are my tips on trying to conceive or get pregnant while your husband works nights or is on night shift. Check out my blog on how to feel safe when your husband works night shift.

I elaborate on our TTC journey in my heelsandholster: a police wife devotional book with 42 stories from our “come to Jesus” growth moments in our police dating years and marriage.

Try to get pregnant while working night shift? Track Ovulation.

If you are anything like me, you do not have a regular period, so it can be difficult to count the days until you ovulate. In an average menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of your next menstrual cycle. Here are options to track your ovulation.

  • Use an app to track when you begin your menstrual cycle and when you are ovulating.

  • Track your temperature. Most people have lower temps when their cycle first begins. Then, it rises when they are ovulating. Combined with the app method mentioned above, take your temp when you first wake each morning. Write down what your temp is or jot it down in your app notes. The temp will typically be 96°-98° before ovulation and then rise to 97°-99°

  • ***Ovulation tests are what works best for me. Around 12 days after my menstrual cycle, I would use a ovulation test each day to detect when my ovulation began.

Be Determined yet Flexible about Having Sex due to Shift Work

Once you know that you are ovulating, make a plan to meet up with your hubby if he is off work or can squeeze in the time between shifts. If you can take a lunch hour when he is awake and home, go for it. Be creative and determined, yet flexible. Realize that each month it may not be the best month to conceive based on both of your shift work schedules. Communication and assertiveness does not come easy for women who are often taught to be passive. Check out my blog on how to ask your husband for help even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Boost Nutrition Needs to Increase Fertility on Night Shift

  • Ashwagandha is an all natural herb that has been medically proven to increase sperm count, improve sleep, and decrease stress, which are all critical to increasing fertility.


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