12 Police Wife Quotes and Police Girlfriend Memes
These police wife quotes and police girlfriend memes (Barbie movie-inspired) are all about police wife life. These police wife quotes will make you laugh, because they're relatable to the police wife jokes about the ever-changing schedule, listening to gruesome stories, visiting him at the station, feeling like the third wheel with your police officer husband and his partner, and more. You’ll love the stories in my heelsandholster: a police wife devotional book, my new Boots by the Door children’s book, and my police husband’s new memoir Why is Everything Wet? if you like these. If you’re in need of a boost of confidence as a police wife by getting rid of resentment, overwhelm, frustration, and loneliness, check out my police wife course.
THIS HAS BEEN YOU: Disconnect, exhaustion, and arguments have become your norm. His demanding schedule- feels like it’s always pulling him away. You’re resentful. This WILL BE YOU after this program: You wake up rested and ready to tackle the day with energy, whether he’s home or not. You’ve established communication, reintegration, and date routines with your partner. You feel like you're on the same team again. Solo parenting days are fun and filled with adventures with your little ones.
Police Wife Quotes #1
“Just over here counting down the days to his police retirement, but also..”
Never have I ever…okay, now take a drink, because I know you have done this one. My husband has had a countdown on his phone before. I haven’t necessarily done that, but I certainly could tell you that he could retire in 4 more years with pretty good retirement minimally- not that I’m counting or anything.
Police Wife Quotes #2
His 2nd day off. Me: “When are you going back to work?”
I am always looking forward to my police husband, Rick, being home with us, and then… he’s home for one day and getting in the way of my routine ahem.. I mean, our routine, coming up with new business ideas, buggin’ me, etc.
You find yourself frustrated with your officer's unpredictable hours, feeling like he's "married to the job," and juggling life and parenting alone. After Empowered Partner, you will wake up each day looking forward to your day, even if your spouse isn’t home, working nights, and tons of overtime. The solo parenting days go by so fast, because you’re out having crazy, fun adventures with your children. You will feel supported by a tribe who "gets you" and connected to your partner.
Police Wife Quotes #3
We have all been there with finding bullets in a unique spot. I once found a bullet in my purse while going though security at the airport. My husband put it there on purpose before my flight. Find out why in this funny, relatable story in my police wife devotional book or learn more about police wife life and your spouses’ unique sense of humor in this blog.
Police Wife Life #4
Okay, this police wife life meme got some haters. I get it. I want to preface that I respect all officers, especially fellow females that choose police work. You all rock! But, most wives can relate to the slight discomfort when their officer is paired with a female officer as their partner. Once, I asked Rick a lot of questions about his new, young female partner. I sincerely wanted to get to know more about her, but I also wanted to make sure I didn’t get any vibes that Rick might be into her. Yep, I will admit it. A bit of jealously is normal. A marriage is worth protecting. I am always respectful, and generally comfortable when Rick works with female officers or even does undercover work in strip clubs, but it is okay to ask questions. I share more about that in this video.
Boots by the Door, a Police Kids Book
This book is written from the perspective of a son of a police officer who wakes up to find his dad’s police boots by the door. He gets excited, because he knows his dad is home, but then he finds out that his dad does have to go to work that day. His brother tries on dad’s boots and waddles around the living room. Their mom reassures them that it’s still going to be a good day. Their dad says a sweet goodbye before leaving for work. This story is written for children of police officers and can be a great conversation starter if a police child is missing their police parent.
Police Wife Quotes #5
“Pulling up all cute for our police station, fast food, car date.”
Dating a cop and is weird. Staying connected can be tough but is possible. Rick and I often do day dates especially since having children, but, even before that, he often has worked night shifts, so we would have brunch together after his shift or after he woke up from sleep.
Donuts at the Station, a Police Kids Book
This book is written from the perspective of a daughter of a police officer who wakes up to find his dad’s police boots are not by the door. She is sad, because daddy’s at work, but then her mom tells her that they will be visiting the police station that day. Two girls visit their dad at the station, get to press all the buttons in a police car, see a police helicopter fly over, and tour the inside of the station. This story is relatable for any child of a police officer.
Police Wife Quotes #6
“Looked back & the last time I went on a proper date with my police husband, there was an entirely other fashion trend.”
I once went on a double date solo to a concert. Yep. I’m sure you will have a similar experience sometime. Maybe you will decide not to go if your spouse gets unexpectedly scheduled to work when you have plans. I had been married for a while by the time this happened, so I went to the concert and I enjoyed myself. I brought my kids and chilled with them- ended up having a great time. Police wife life can lonely, but you’ve got this! Check out my Police Wife Course to address common challenges to police wife life like this.
heelsandholster: a police wife devotional
This #1 ranked police wife devotional includes 42 real stories of common stories that all police girlfriends and wives can relate to that my husband and I got through in our dating years and marriage. Each story is supported by a Bible verse and prayer for reflection.
Police Wife Memes #7
“How I look as my police husband tells me a gruesome story…and How I feel.”
Police humor is dark, and, to be honest, mine has gotten darker over the years too! Humor is a part of how we deal with trauma, and our police spouses see far more trauma than the average person. My husband prefers to tell me only stories that are funny or end happily. Also, we often have our kiddos around, so we have to keep things PG. Check out Boots by the Door, a police children’s book, that I wrote and another police wife illustrated.
Police Wife Memes #8
“Showing up to the visit my police husband at the station in my Sunday best so everyone knows he’s taken.”
And you’d better know I come with treats for the boss. Haha.. I wish!
In reality, I come juggling with my two boys in tow, and they head straight for the snack room and to play in their dad’s police car. But, I do try my best to do my hair that day rather than have it in a bun. Also, jeans instead of leggings.
Do you visit your spouse at the police station? It truly gives me a new perspective of my husband. He doesn’t wear his uniform to and from our house, so I rarely see him in uniform. It’s easy for me to forget the long commute he takes to work on a daily basis until I do the drive myself. He takes that commute so we can be safe at home in the suburb while he works in the city. I highly recommend visiting your spouse at his work.
Police Wife Meme #9
“Me: the 3rd wheel with their inside jokes”
My police husband has been best friends with a fellow officer since they were in the academy 16 years ago. I share in my police wife devotional book that they once hung out on the phone together in silence while my husband and I were driving around town. It was odd to say the least. They share a special bond that I will never truly understand. They joke, and I smile and nod.
Police Wife Memes #10
“How we stick out when he’s in uniform & we go get lunch together.”
Obviously, we love our police officer in uniform, but it can be a bit much when he’s in uniform and you grab lunch. We have gotten ice cream with our boys in my husband’s division. He pulled up at the ice cream shop in his police car, we went in and ordered some cones together, and it did feel a bit weird even though he’s so hot in that uniform! Our boys also love seeing their dad in uniform.
I share more about the perspective of children of police officers in my kid’s book Boots by the Door.
Police Wife Memes #11
“Just me driving to the station to inform the Sarg that I don’t agree with his work schedule.”
Oh, the lovely overtime, court, and unexpected schedule changes. My husband’s department gives them 4-week “deployment period” schedules we call “DPs” that don’t correspond with the monthly calendar, and it’s a blast to deal with. We only know my husband’s schedule 4-weeks out and it hardly ever has consistent days off each week. It’s the number one thing we argued about in our early years of marriage, and I share how we overcame the police schedule challenges in this video.