Your Ultimate Police Themed Wedding Ideas Guide
Check out my heelsandholster: a police wife devotional book.
Congrats on your engagement! Marriage is such a blast and a blessing. I would relive in my engagement and wedding day over and over to my police hubby, so I’m excited you’re here. You will find police wedding engagement ideas, police wedding ideas, police wedding vows, police wedding rings, police wedding band ideas, police wedding cake toppers, police wedding traditions, police wedding songs, and police wedding photos here.
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Police Wedding Engagement Photo Ideas Part 1
These easy DIY police wedding engagement ideas are so cute!
Left: Police fiance stands in his uniform holding his radio handcuffed to this fiance with a hold the date sign. You could use one of these wooden hearts and sticker letters to make the sign.
Top right: The engaged couple stand in front of a “Sentenced for Life” sign with height measurements handcuffed. You can use this chalkboard wall sticker to draw the measurements and “sentenced for life” text.
Bottom right: Uninformed officer hold his fiance who is handcuffed and holding a chalkboard sign that says “The chase is over”. Here is a chalkboard sign you can personalize.
Police Wedding Engagement Photo Ideas Part 2
Left: Police fiance stands in his uniform and the bride is in her gown holding a gun.
Top right: The officer is carrying his fiance to the police car in the background with their backs to the camera. The bride’s heels and legs are staggered. Pick up a pair of blue Steve Madden heels for a thinblueline look!
Bottom right: This subtle design includes the bride and groom in a gown and suit handcuffed holding a bouquet. Use these new, clean handcuffs for your photos rather than your fiance’s from work.
Police Wedding Vows
Incorporate Miranda Rights into the wedding vows for a fun twist
Mention the unique aspects of police work, such as dealing with overtime, court, long hours, night shift into your vows
Police Wedding Bands
Our officers jobs make it difficult to wear expensive jewelry, so consider providing them with the following options:
Silicone bands are perfect for shift work
Or, treat your fiance to a tungsteen band, which is a scratch-resistant metal
Police Wedding Cake Topper 1
This cake topper is sexy and fun. It’s giving me a Bonnie and Clyde vibe!
Police Wedding Cake Topper 2
This cake topper is classy, minimalist, and formal. I adore the subtle police hat on the groom.
Police Wedding Cake Topper 3
This cake topper is customizable and made in the USA. Can’t beat that!
Police Wedding Traditions
It’s tradition that police officer wear their formal uniform to the wedding, but you do not have to do this. Ask you fiance what he wants to wear.
If they choose to marry in full uniform, they should follow all other rules of police formal, such as hair above the neckline etc.
If the groom wears his formal uniform, he should not wear a boutonniere. Police decorations already pinned onto uniforms will serve as boutonnieres.
Police Wedding Songs
Mr. Policeman by Brad Paisley
He’s One of the Good Ones by Gabby Lambert
If It Wasn’t For the Badge by Artie Rodriguez
Bad Boys by Inner Circle
The Weight of the Badge by George Strait
Our Hearts Beat Blue by Jay Dirks and Kristen Morgan Dirks