Small Appreciation Gifts for Police Officers at Local Police Departments
These small appreciation gifts for police officers are perfect to create police appreciation bags or police care packages for your local police department. Be sure that your local law enforcement feel your gratitude with a free printable thank you card below. This blog was written by a police wife of 10 years who has learned what brings joy to an officer.
Thank you police officer free printable cards.
A Thank You card will make a police officers’ day! They barely hear thank you. Wrap the following gift ideas in a small bag and tape or tie these cards on top for the perfect gifts. Handmade cards are special, but if you want to save time, please use these FREE printable mini thank you cards. They’re about 2 inches long, so you can print 8 mini cards on one piece of printer paper. Just cut along the dotted line. You can even sign them with your name to customize them.
Coffee gift cards.
Our police work long hours, and a gift card for coffee is the perfect small appreciation gift idea for police officers. You will truly make their day! Order gift cards in bulk today.
Car Air Fresheners
This small appreciation gift for law enforcement will last them for a while. You will improve the quality of their life as “funky” smells are a part of the job. A fellow police wife says “my husband goes through a ton for his patrol car.” Try these air fresheners in bulk to get the best deal.
Protein Bars or Protein Shake.
Police officers have to remain in shape to safely perform their job. My husband goes through protein bars and protein powder so quickly. This practical gift for police officers will truly be useful. Try these bulk Aloha protein bars or protein shakes to show your love.
Snacks- Snickers, M&Ms, Beef Jerky, Trail Mix, Peanut Butter Pouches.
One day I asked my police husband where he usually eats the lunch that I pack him. Sometimes he says he doesn’t have time to eat. When he’s out in the field, he’s typically not able to return to the department. My husband’s response shocked me. He said, “We usually find a space, quiet place where we won’t be targeted, park the police car, and eat on the front of the police car. I don’t want to get anything on my uniform.” The fact that they fear being targeted just to eat a meal is sad. Any snacks they can eat neatly on the go is great! My husband says that he especially likes snickers & M&Ms. These bulk snickers, M&Ms, beef jerky, trail mix, and nut butter packets are wonderful useful gift ideas for police officers.
Hand Sanitizers & Bleach Wipes
Law enforcement involves quite a bit of nasty jobs. These practical gifts for law enforcement officers will definitely be used. Here are some bulk hand sanitizers and bleach wipes.
Pain Relief Packets
Many police officers have injuries if not just pain due to carrying physically heavy loads and running daily. Mini Pain relief packs are perfect useful gifts for police officers.
Chapstick & Body Wipes
Police officers often work overtime shifts or a night shift followed by court. They can shower at the station, but these body wipes and chapstick allow officers to refresh quickly as needed.
Good luck with your small appreciation gifts for police officers at local police departments!
For more substantial police officer gift ideas, check out these practical gift ideas for police officers. Please note that the links on this page are affiliate links, and I may make a commission from your purchase.
Get Your Free Printable Thank You Cards
Print out these three different styles of cards before you go.